Story Theme and Setting Generator

Story Theme and Setting Generator allows you to get a random writing prompt to spark new ideas or just get a challenge for either short or long story.
If you just need a theme or only a setting, ignore the other one, it will still be useful.

Writing prompts are an amazing way to brainstorm and practice writing every single day, and with this generator, you will not be out of ideas as it has over a thousand different combinations of theme and setting for your short stories or something more.

Click “Generate” to get a random combination of theme and setting.

You can select and copy the generated results to the clipboard as usual.


Random Story and Theme
Generated Story and Theme Example

How it works: It’s pretty simple, you get one random setting and one theme generated from a pre-defined list of ideas. Where the theme is the main idea, the central topic of the story (for example, a treasure hunt or a murder mystery) and the setting is the backdrop where the narrative takes place, which may have a big influence on the story (like cyberpunk or western).

You are free to use generated prompts in any way for your own works.

If you would like to see some theme or setting added, or have any other ideas for improvement – please message me via email: contact{at}

Check out other gamedev tools & resources, or see how this tool was made.

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