Story Theme and Setting Generator allows you to get a random writing prompt to spark new ideas or just get a challenge for either short or long story. If you just need a theme or only a setting, ignore the other one, it will still be useful. Writing prompts are an amazing way to brainstorm and practice writing every …
Read MoreGame jam games have really interesting gameplay and visuals that can sometimes never be seen in the full releases, plus, they often get to the good stuff right from the start and you can get through a bunch of different experiences in a short amount of time. I’ll list some examples below, but there are a lot of new …
Read MoreUnity is an excellent development platform for anyone new to building games. You can use it to create and run both 2D and 3D games on multiple platforms. This provides a lot of freedom to explore the creative process. It is the direct competitor of the Unreal Engine and has a lot of respectable features that set it …
Read MoreAssembly Definitions are a new way Unity allows us to organize the code by creating separate assemblies and specifying dependencies between them. It first appeared as preview in Unity 2017.3 and became more functional in later releases. Assembly Definitions can also be called asmdefs for short. In this tutorial let’s …
Read MoreIn the previous article, I’ve briefly mentioned my Unity Editor UI Library and wanted to go more in-depth on how I started structuring custom Editor code and why not go the default way. Unity Editor UI (IMGUI) In its current form Unity Editor UI (IMGUI) leads to really messy and unreusable code, and while making a …
Read MoreGame Genre Generator allows to generate thousands of random video game genre mashups that can be used to spark new game ideas or pick something to play. Click “Generate” to get a random combination of genres. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You can select and copy the generated results as …
Read MoreParticipating in game jams, we sometimes did a bit of practice, coming up with random ideas before the actual game jam, before the theme was revealed. We just took themes from previous jams, from one place or another, and did brainstorming sessions. And so I thought about making a tool that would generate random themes …
Read MoreGame Privacy Policy Generator allows you to generate free Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions for your mobile Android, iOS games. Privacy policy is required by both Google Play and AppStore. Here is the snippet from the iOS AppStore Review Guidelines: Depending on permissions and data collection you will also …
Read MoreGame Studio Name Generator has over a million different random combinations and was created to help generate ideas to name any gaming company (real or fictional). Your company name is important and even if you don’t need it right away when just staring to develop the game, you can start thinking about it, to find what …
Read MoreGame jam theme generator allows you to practice the game idea brainstorming process based on the random theme given. Which can be useful for later, for example, come up with new mechanics based on the theme restrictions, that can be used as its own game or some kind of mini-game. It can also be a good practice for a …
Read MoreMy first attempt at making a Unity plugin – was a plugin that showed your current selected scene in the project view, which was useful when you needed to go through all the scenes to change something and I thought I could share it for free via asset store, although i would do this via code now, nether the less – it was …
Read MoreHere is the list of top game development tools & resources we’ve used on our projects and would totally recommend. Best Tools Unity Plugins Best Resources Juice Best Tools Unity Plugins Console Enhanced There are times when you spend hours debugging in the console and in those dark moments I really …
Read MorePermission Manager In-Editor Testing & Permissions Management After the introduction of runtime permissions in Android 6 if you want to access some functionality – you need to first request a permission for it at runtime and Unity does not provide this out of the box. But even if you have the native java code to …
Read MoreGame Title Generator has over ten million different random combinations and was created to help name any game, be it video game, board game, etc. It can also be used to generate ideas for games or for brainstorming sessions and naming game jam games. Click the “Generate” button to generate a random game title. …
Read MoreWe wanted a way for the player to not get stuck while playing and here is how we tackled that problem… Articles: • Level Creation • Rewinding Time • Recorded Solutions • Testing Automation (coming soon) We think that simply letting the player skip levels would be a bad idea as the player won’t learn the techniques …
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